
Showing posts from December, 2020

Nashville Christmas Day Explosion, in connection to Beirut

 -On June 21, 2020, the Tennesseean put out an article alleging about a future terrorist attack for July 18, 18/7     -The terrorist attack has happened on Christmas Day, 12/25, 187 days after the June 21 headline . Not on 18/7. Society of Jesus = 187 Washington D.C. = 187 Paris, France = 187     -It is in connection to another explosion, that of Beirut, Lebanon on August 4, which was a massive Jesuit ritual. This explosion has come 144 days after that, when Jesuit Order = 144     - It comes on the 72nd day of John Cooper's age, the mayor of Nashville. Jesuit Order = 72, founded on 8/15/1534, 8+15+15+34 = 72     - It comes on the 44th day of Arturo Sosa being 72 years old. Keep in mind, the August 4 Beirut explosion came 44 days after the June 21 headline in the Nashville newspaper. kill = 44 execution = 44 genocide = 44     -John Cooper = 43 . Society of Jesus = 191, the 43rd prime. You could also say this explosion has come 43 day...

Robert Redfield, CDC Jesuit Puppet, with all the Jesuit numbers

 This Jesuit Georgetown-educated goon has all the numbers Notice he's got the July 10, 1951 birthday. For starters, July 10 is the 191st day of the year. More Jesuit numbers abound: Jesuit = 78 and 84 The Catholic Church = 84 The Jesuit Order = 84 Superior General = 84 Masonry = 84 Zionism = 84 United States of America = 84 'Robert' works at the CDC in 'Atlanta' the very Jesuit city. Remember, they are home to the NFL's Falcons and the NBA's Hawks, both of whom wear red and black, the Jesuit colors. Of course, the coordinates of the city also connect to 84. Don't ignore that 33 either. - Robert = 33 (7+10+1+9+5+1 = 33) A couple other key notes about Redfield and him working at the CDC in Atlanta ... Remember the Jesuit motto, Iesus Hominum Salvator Keep in mind, he is one of the main faces of the "coronavirus" agenda, an agenda having very much to do with the Society of Jesus that he clearly is a puppet for. Notice what day he took office, in...

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't (for those who don't support the New York Times) from January 22, 2007


Thoughts About Jesuits and Globalization

 Think about how the Jesuits control the "unholy trinity" of city-states:  Washington D.C. City of London  Vatican City Now, consider that they are big on globalization, which is the spread of thoughts, ideas, riches, etc. and bringing the world closer together. Opponents of the concept say it causes wars, proponents say it has helped societies develop and flourish, and in history, we know how explorers traded with the people of the lands they traveled, and even tried to convert them to their religion. Remember the Jesuits are the tip of the spear, but they have other important groups under their umbrella, including Judaism (a lot of Jesuits are Jews converted to Catholicism) and Freemasonry, which is based in Kabbalah, a Jewish mysticism. Washington D.C.-  military/war branch of the empire (Jesuits own a lot of militaries, such as Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, etc.)                The Holocaust b...