Nashville Christmas Day Explosion, in connection to Beirut
-On June 21, 2020, the Tennesseean put out an article alleging about a future terrorist attack for July 18, 18/7 -The terrorist attack has happened on Christmas Day, 12/25, 187 days after the June 21 headline . Not on 18/7. Society of Jesus = 187 Washington D.C. = 187 Paris, France = 187 -It is in connection to another explosion, that of Beirut, Lebanon on August 4, which was a massive Jesuit ritual. This explosion has come 144 days after that, when Jesuit Order = 144 - It comes on the 72nd day of John Cooper's age, the mayor of Nashville. Jesuit Order = 72, founded on 8/15/1534, 8+15+15+34 = 72 - It comes on the 44th day of Arturo Sosa being 72 years old. Keep in mind, the August 4 Beirut explosion came 44 days after the June 21 headline in the Nashville newspaper. kill = 44 execution = 44 genocide = 44 -John Cooper = 43 . Society of Jesus = 191, the 43rd prime. You could also say this explosion has come 43 day...