The 4/20 Episode summary
Adolf Hitler's birthday: Adolf Hitler = 110 (born on 110th day of year) -President = 110 Google Vandross birthday in 1951. Dead 7/1/2005 Luther Vandross Jr. = 71 Dead on 73rd day of age. Sacrifice = 73 Ritual Sacrifice = 73 Chad's President killed today. President = 110, 110th day of year Chad = 20 (20th of month) Dead 59 days before his birthday, the number stamped on black people. Negro, Slave, Blues, Rasta, Tiger, Woods all = 59 Steph Curry scores 49, bringing his average to 31.4 as the Warriors improve to 29-29. Pi = 29, Steph Pi Day birthday, 31.4 like 3.14 born on 3/14 Came on 109th day of year, 109 the 29th prime It was after his 50th game. Circle = 50 March 14, 2017 he scored 29 points against Philadelphia REMEMBER: from Jordan's last game to Kobe's last game is 678 weeks later. Kobe Bryant = 678 Michael Jordan = 678. The same night Kobe retired 678 weeks after Jordan, the Splash brothers Curry Thompson combined for 678 three pointers on the season. Stop a...