Bernie Madoff death of 4/14/21

 This is a massive Jesuit ritual:

Jesuit Order = 144 (14/4) (today is the anniversary of the Titanic and Abe Lincoln deaths, which were also Jesuit rituals)

Today also has interesting date numerology:

4+14+20+21 = 59 (Kill = 59 and 17, 59 the 17th prime)

4+14+21 = 39 (New York = 39, where he is from) *his actions affected the New York Mets, who in the 2015 WS in their only game that they won, won 3-9.

Butner = 82 (dead at age 82)

Further proving the Jesuit ritual, notice that he died on his 351st day of his age, to complement the Jesuit motto, "For the Greater Glory of God."

And further proving the Jesuit ritual that it is, AND THE DEATH ritual that it is, notice it is 118 days after the Jesuit Pope Francis birthday.

The other ciphers for his full name aren't too shabby either

Bavarian Illuminati = 188 (the denominations of the USD add up to 188; think about how Bernie "Madoff" a lot of money in his supposed ponzi scheme)

    -important to note as well that today is the day leaving 261 days in the year. United States of America = 261 and the USD is 2.61 inches tall

379, the 75th prime (Catholic Church = 75) (Supreme Pontiff = 75, another name for the Pope, with whom it is synced up with, as we showed)

Also, it is 153 days after the Superior General's birthday, Arturo Sosa. Jesuit Order = 153

153 days after his birthday, on 14/4, this big death ritual
Forty-four = 144
kill = 44, execution = 44, genocide = 44, military =44 (Sosa is a military leader)

Also, it is 84 days after Jesuit Joe Biden took office

Jesuit = 84

Does this mean a future collapse in the economy under Biden? Remember, the Jesuits control the world of money, and this day is very significant to money, America, and the Jesuits. The 188 and 261 things are no accident, and remember Madoff really messed up entities financially, like an economic crash would.

The other events on this day in history: 
-the Titanic sinking led to the Federal Reserve
-Abe Lincoln assassinated right after the nation went bankrupt due to his Civil War, and then the Vatican bought up D.C. a few years later.


  1. Wow Ben! Your articulation and dedication is impeccable! This is Natalie :P

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