Thoughts About Jesuits and Globalization

 Think about how the Jesuits control the "unholy trinity" of city-states: 

  • Washington D.C.
  • City of London 
  • Vatican City
Now, consider that they are big on globalization, which is the spread of thoughts, ideas, riches, etc. and bringing the world closer together. Opponents of the concept say it causes wars, proponents say it has helped societies develop and flourish, and in history, we know how explorers traded with the people of the lands they traveled, and even tried to convert them to their religion.

Remember the Jesuits are the tip of the spear, but they have other important groups under their umbrella, including Judaism (a lot of Jesuits are Jews converted to Catholicism) and Freemasonry, which is based in Kabbalah, a Jewish mysticism.

  • Washington D.C.- military/war branch of the empire (Jesuits own a lot of militaries, such as Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights Hospitaller, etc.)


The Holocaust began in 1942

Not to mention, think about all of the "race war" tactics done with black people around the number 42
  • City of London- the economic branch, having to do with riches. The largest financial center in the world. Margaret Thatcher is credited with "liberalizing" or "opening up" the City of London, and she died by the numbers, shortly after Pope Francis became the first Jesuit Pope.
  • Vatican City- religious branch, or spiritual branch, which has historically been one of the biggest goals of those who "globalize". 

is a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah. Tefillin is worn by observant adult Jews during weekday morning prayers.

-The New Testament begins with the 42 generations to Jesus
-The Beast rules for 42 months in Revelation
-Vatican City was founded on the 42nd day of the year (2+11+29 = 42)
-Kabbalists have a 42 letter name of God

To close out, consider the 73 gematria of "Globalization", the 21st prime, matching "Jesuit" and "Sunday" and "Bible".

73, the 21st prime

And "twenty-one" written out as a word brings us right back where we started from



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